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Monday, December 23, 2013

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Want a girlfriend? Just buy a Samsung Galaxy Gear

So our cell phones can be used for pretty much anything: finding movie times, uploading YouTube videos, GPS navigation, and of course, the occasional phone call. But can a smartphone and some cool accessories that pair with it help you get a girlfriend? Samsung says, “Absolutely.”

The non-Samsung user is displayed as hapless. He drops his skis and his cell phone from the ski lift, fumbles with and breaks a glass of wine while reaching for his phone, and cannot get over his clumsiness (probably his punishment from the Universe for not buying Samsung) enough to win the girl’s heart. Mr. Samsung is smooth like a panther because he doesn’t need to take his phone out of his pocket as he commands his watch to do all of the work, leaving his hands free for wooing. The girl is super impressed with our leading man as he takes pictures and videos of her snowboarding, looks up info on wine, finds his phone after dropping it, and plays music, all from the comfort of his wrist.
Check out the film. It’s beautifully shot, if a bit awkward and too long.


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